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[09/12] #01 - Some solo session shenanigans

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[09/12] #01 - Some solo session shenanigans Empty [09/12] #01 - Some solo session shenanigans

Post  Fragmaster01 Wed Sep 23, 2009 2:03 am

Wherein our heroes grapple with forgotten rules and bad dice rollers...

Caput: expect this to be a kind of wobbly session, btw. If it's aweful, poke me. If not, I expect shameless sucking up and maybe a cash prize.
Fragmaster: wobblewobble
Caput: indeed
Caput: messengers need some kind of way to show that you're pronouncing indeed as though you are stephen fry in blackadder
Fragmaster: but I don't have a cunning plan...
Caput: ready to get going?
Fragmaster: why not
Caput: OK, so it's been about two weeks since keith didn't come back. You are in his home chilling and not having very much cash.
Caput: that about right?
Fragmaster: we're startin there? rightos
Caput: you have no significant items other than the token thing?
Fragmaster: I assume that's up to you what's left in his apartment
Caput: itwems. Don't leave home without em folks.
Fragmaster: as for things she has...
Caput: ok. Nothing cool, plenty of normal things.
Fragmaster: steel toed shoes, lockpicks
Caput: ok
Fragmaster: her work stuff
Fragmaster: minus his, so no stethoscope or mirrors or whatnot
Caput: ok. Interesting thing in the appartment is: Serious safe. You would have great trouble opening this and didn't know it existed while he was around.
Fragmaster: ooh, where's it hidden?
Caput: It's behind his bed. You came across it while looking around for where he keeps important things, and saw it by looking under and moving the box with christmas paper in it.
Caput: you have to move about 3 pieces of furniture to get into it
Fragmaster: funfun
Fragmaster: (hmm, what evil motive does the christmas paper hint at...)
Fragmaster: (maybe it's to fool people! he doesn't celebrate christmas! he's actually jewish!)
Caput: (OH GOD)
Caput: from his apearence, he could be black, chinese, anything and you wouldn't know.
Caput: it's a conspiracy!
Fragmaster: woo!
Caput: anyway
Caput: there is virtualy no money and he didn't have too much food in the house.
Caput: or much anything
Fragmaster: virtually means there's some cash!
Fragmaster: what have I scrounged up?
Caput: what food he had has presumably gone bad
Fragmaster: I throw the rotten stuff out.
Caput: not going to say a specific amount, but you could buy a one dot item or two with it. It would feed an eaty person for a little while
Fragmaster: lets go with one, then
Caput: oh yeah, did you ever come to a conclusion on the cash system?
Fragmaster: did we decide to go with the x/x method of stuff buying?
Caput: lol
Fragmaster: guess not.
Caput: not then
Fragmaster: we'll go with it for now, since it works fine here
Fragmaster: I has 0/1.
Fragmaster: yay!
Caput: ok, for now
Caput: seriously considering saying we'll use it as-is in the book, but it works fine for now.
Caput: so you're pretty much staying in and doing not much?
Caput: or are you occasionaly supplementing your cash supply?
Fragmaster: staying in for now
Caput: ok
Fragmaster: (as written is "if you have that many dots, you can buy it on disposable income")
Fragmaster: ("if you don't, the DM decides")
Caput: I know
Caput: ok, so no plans for your shiny new 1?
Fragmaster: not yet
Caput: ok
Caput: nothing much to report until about 10:20pm
Fragmaster: the sun is up. woo!
Caput: no it's not silly frag.
Caput: it is november in a cold place
Caput: you get no sun
Fragmaster: aww.
Caput: *slap*
Caput: ahem
Caput: your pocket has a boner of some kind. Something sticking out from your leg into the fabric at a weird angle.
Fragmaster: oh dear. I examine this thing.
Caput: It is the magic token thing.
Fragmaster: (did he explain how to make it work?)
Caput: It is a red token, a blue token and a green token on a yellow ring. You pull all the tokens to let him find you in an emergancy, or visa versa.
Caput: the red token is now ignoring gravity and pointing out toward the wall.
Caput: (each token also has a different strange symbol on it, but they are too sguigly for words to acurately describe them)
Fragmaster: (have I seen the token do this before?)
Caput: no, this is a first.
Fragmaster: "Okay..."
Caput: it's warm, you think. Warm is harder to judge now.
Fragmaster: Clothes. Keys.
Caput: it shudders gently in your hand
Fragmaster: I unlock door, poke it out, see if it does anything
Fragmaster: (clothes keys facade. muggle invisibility on)
Caput: it always points in the same direction, even if you turn the thing it's attached to around.
Fragmaster: (gives me up to 8 hours before bad shit happens)
Caput: ok, remind me about the texture limitations on your facade, plaese.
Fragmaster: it feels like skin, but it only makes the outside of the body seem human
Caput: got it
Fragmaster: so, isn't at the right temperature, doesn't bend right
Caput: ok
Fragmaster: lasts for 8 hours, needs checks then and every hour after that(cumulative -1), needs 8 hours to recharge
Caput: got it. And it's visualy perfect until then?
Fragmaster: da
Caput: ok
Fragmaster: though things that let you save versus illusion and such let you see through it
Caput: out you go
Fragmaster: things that hunters would have.
Caput: yes
Fragmaster: I leave apartment number "generic"
Fragmaster: what do I see?
Caput: it's number 7
Fragmaster: what floor?
Fragmaster: and inside or outside
Caput: ok, it's a concrete hall.
Fragmaster: spiffy.
Caput: faint smell of not good, but again, that kind of thing barely registers anymore
Caput: blank doors, stairs
Fragmaster: and the floor?
Caput: concrete.
Fragmaster: no, how high up?
Caput: cement*
Caput: lol
Caput: second
Fragmaster: the level, the story, how far you fall to your death.
Fragmaster: how high does the building go?
Caput: only 3
Caput: it's a small one
Fragmaster: I assume apartment is cheap 1room/1bath?
Caput: token may be pointing slightly down. It shuders in yout hand for a moment.
Caput: two rooms+bath
Fragmaster: ooh.
Caput: just not very good rooms
Caput: it's ok though
Fragmaster: da
Fragmaster: "You're certainly perky today... alright, silly thing, lead on"
Fragmaster: I put it back in jacket, and head downstairs
Caput: ground floor much the same. Head out?
Fragmaster: anyone in lobby?
Caput: nah. It's not that kind of place. It's more just a hall with a glass door.
Fragmaster: then I pop out token, figure out where it's pointing
Caput: somewhere leftwards and a forwards.
Caput: wherever it's pointing, it's not on this street.
Fragmaster: in nwes directions?
Fragmaster: supposedly I've lived in the city for years, so I'd hope I know where things are
Fragmaster: with a 0 streetwise, though, who knows
Caput: I don't know which way round anything is though =D SE.
Caput: toward a slightly more expensive type place if it goes far enough, but it could just be another place like this if it's close.
Caput: it's not in toward the center, but nor is it directly toward city limit
Fragmaster: 0 on the roll. I don't know what's there.
Caput: lol
Fragmaster: oh well, adventure calls
Caput: zoom
Fragmaster: onward!
Fragmaster: I leave the apartment complex, and waltz on in the general direction, though staying on the sidewalks
Caput: ok
Caput: you see a street. It's dark, but not as dark as it could be. The sky is cloudy, the air is cold and it's raining.
Fragmaster: "I wanted to take a nap, you silly thing. Can't you act up earlier in the day?"
Fragmaster: Hood up.
Caput: ok
Caput: grey buildings on either side. Fairly low, not at all new, but pretty modern by local standards.
Fragmaster: any change in direction?
Caput: thing shudders in your hand again
Caput: it keep opointing the same way
Caput: lol I'm the master of typing things.
Fragmaster: it appoints directions to the city council.
Fragmaster: this week, west will be named hersheys, thanks to a generous contribution to the library fund.
Fragmaster: anyway
Caput: yes
Fragmaster: I wander on, taking looks around the city from boredom and a mysterious desire from the player to know more about the town
Caput: it takes you through a few similar streets before you get into less familliar terretory.
Fragmaster: is it the red light district?
Fragmaster: can I beat up hookers and steal their cash?
Caput: no. Why would that be unfamiliar?
Caput: this is the not much happening district. There are few people around and there is little to do. There are cars parked along one side of most streets and the streets aren't too wide.
Fragmaster: I take a look at a random business place.
Caput: it's getting a little colder and visibility is getting poorer
Caput: it's a chinese take away.
Fragmaster: bah.
Caput: it looks utterly bad
Caput: one of those places that looks closed even when it's open
Fragmaster: silly chinese place.
Fragmaster: I wander on, occasionally checking token when no one's around
Caput: you also pass a small travel agent, which looks a little out of place if anything.
Caput: it's getting warmer.
Fragmaster: has it stopped raining?
Caput: no, the token
Fragmaster: ah
Fragmaster: "You'd be a nice handwarmer, if I needed one. What's wrong with you?"
Caput: ok, the buildings are getting less annonymos and further apart now. This is that place with the older, nicer buildings, were there's even less happening and you get to own a whole house.
Caput: in other words, the red light district was the other way
Fragmaster: woo
Caput: it's shaking much more now
Fragmaster: it making noise?
Caput: you can also feel a sort of gently tug in the direction it points.
Caput: nope
Caput: just pointing
Fragmaster: (oh god, it's a lure. someone's fishing for me!)
Caput: there are people in your path now. They're all wearing hoods of various kinds.
Fragmaster: I push the token deeper into the pocket, and if I can keep it in there without it poking out, I keep my hands loose
Caput: just about. It can be wedged so it points any way you like, but it doesn't like it. It's like it's being pulled into place by a magnet.
Fragmaster: then I keep my hands in the jacket pocket, right one holding it in place
Caput: There's five or six of the people. They take up the whole sidewalk. As you approach they all stop talking.
Fragmaster: I move around them and keep walking past
Caput: (five or six because they're clustered together in the dark and rain)
Fragmaster: (silly people being mysterious. I've got to walk my token!)
Caput: once they're past you, you hear what might be one of them walking after you. Rustling, and maybe walking.
Fragmaster: I walk a little faster, keeping note of where the footsteps are
Fragmaster: 'just what I needed...'
Caput: OK, they deffinately speed up for a moment. Then they stop.
Fragmaster: just all at once?
Caput: it didn't sound like all of them following you. One, maybe two.
Fragmaster: I keep going
Caput: ok. You hear a voice a little way behind you say "Naw man." and another say "Whatever."
Fragmaster: good good. I keep on going, same direction, for at least a block or two
Fragmaster: (I'm no combat person. Don't mug me, that would be mean.)
Caput: ok, you have gone slightly in the wrong direction, but not completely.
Fragmaster: once I'm a good ways away from them, I check tokey
Caput: there are now definate houses with little not-quite-gardens i front of them, one with an impressive collection of gnomes.
Caput: token reorientates you along a similar street, but without the gnomes.
Fragmaster: lol gnomes
Fragmaster: "You're safe for today, gnomes. But one day..."
Caput: lol
Caput: the token is now deffinately very warm.
Caput: then it starts to turn
Caput: a man walking his dog goes past you. hHat the hell is going through his mind? It's 11 at night and it's raining.
Fragmaster: (I've seen it before, honestly. They're wierd)
Caput: yes
Fragmaster: I keep going till guy is gone, then check tokey
Caput: still turning slightly. You think you can see the house it's pointing at, but it could be something in another street.
Fragmaster: I get closer to house I think it is, and check again if no one's around
Fragmaster: "You're the worst pet ever."
Caput: lol
Caput: token is pointing back at the house.
Fragmaster: I look at the house thing
Caput: ok, it has a tiny patch of grass outside, but it looks pretty nice. Gate at the side is open. Lights are off.
Caput: except one
Caput: which looks like a bathroom window
Fragmaster: 1 story?
Caput: two
Fragmaster: does streets go around behind it?
Caput: there's no way around it here. You'd have to go and look around the back of it.
Fragmaster: then I go with sneak and stealth(1)
Caput: ok, as soon as you reach the open gate, you can see that the door is bashed in.
Caput: it leads into a small room with a washing machine and a sink in it.
Fragmaster: toasty
Fragmaster: then I sneaky on inside(3)
Caput: what;s the awareness roll here again? I forgot.
Fragmaster: *to token* "If something happens, this is your fault"
Fragmaster: Wits+Composure, I belief
Caput: ok
Caput: roll it
Fragmaster: 0
Caput: ok
Caput: as you are going in through the doorway, someone very nearly walks into you. A guy about your age, by the look of it. Fire pattern on his coat, cable going up to his ears. He's apparently texting someone.
Caput: he's surprised to see you here
Caput: (I must eat in 15 minutes or so)
Fragmaster: (my observance is silly)
Caput: not as silly as his.
Fragmaster: (I see so many things)
Caput: he says "Holy shit!"
Fragmaster: I jump back a bit
Caput: he fumbles in his pocket for something. "Sharkman's gonna eat tonight." KNIFE! Roll initiative.
Fragmaster: now I gotta remember what initiative is.
Caput: dex+composure
Fragmaster: danke
Fragmaster: 2
Caput: ok, you go first.
Fragmaster: I punts.
Fragmaster: snazzy. 3
Fragmaster: (two from a 10>10>7 line)
Caput: His hood comes down. He has bleached looking white hair in an elaborate sticky up style and a nervous smile. Then you kick him in the chest.
Fragmaster: goal?
Caput: He stumbles backward, then lunges for you.
Fragmaster: aww.
Fragmaster: (I has a +1 armor versus bashing from kungfu, but I don't think that matters versus a knife)
Caput: He's apparently not very good at this.
Caput: or even enthusiastic
Fragmaster: lol
Fragmaster: 0?
Caput: fwoosh
Caput: yes
Caput: go
Fragmaster: one good punt deserves another, he hasn't run yet.
Fragmaster: "Sorry, I don't much care for your 'Sharkman'. Tell him to buy his own food."
Fragmaster: ...
Fragmaster: ...
Fragmaster: 2, 4, 9 [10], 3, 3 [10x4] = 6
Fragmaster: this dice roller...
Fragmaster: methinks it's a bit sticky
Fragmaster: I'll try and find another one
Caput: well, you can have the 6
Caput: you kick his head around
Caput: he manages to stay standing
Fragmaster: wow.
Caput: he;s really the worse for wear
Fragmaster: da
Fragmaster: I imagine his HP is filled out
Fragmaster: anyway, what he do
Fragmaster: (testing for now)
Fragmaster: (not as pretty, but oh well)
Caput: "You're fucked. You're fucked! SHORYUKEN!"
Caput: he drops the knife and you can guess what happens next
Fragmaster: out the door he runs?
Caput: no. He shoryukens you
Fragmaster: orly
Caput: He launches up into the air, his fist trailing an impressive amount of fire
Fragmaster: nice.
Caput: He shouldn't be able to jump with that force or burn you to death with an uppercut. Thankfully,you are able to get out the way very easily. You've fucked him up pretty badly.
Caput: "WH]ho are you? What the hell are you doing here?"
Fragmaster: "The door's smashed, someone's looting the place, and you didn't think someone would come? You're pretty dense, aren't you?"
Fragmaster: I try to kick him away from me, but fail.(0)
Caput: He points in your face while trying to back away. "Fuck you. You realise how much shit you've put us both in. Stop doing that!"
Fragmaster: I be nice and stop doing that for now.
Fragmaster: "Then talk."
Caput: His arms make impressively awful cracking sounds. They are getting longer. "SIt the fuck down and shut your mouth. You have no idea who we are."
Fragmaster: "...clearly..."
Caput: he's still pointing, but with a different finger all of a sudden
Caput: he used to be clean shaven, to.
Caput: As opposed to covered in fur. His palms and ears have turned black, the rest of him is fluffy white.
Caput: you notice for the first time that he had no shoes on the whole time
Caput: "Get inside"
Fragmaster: I slip inside, not wanting to mess with woofles
Caput: He doesn't look wolf like at all. If anything, more like an ape or something.
Fragmaster: (he shall still be called woofles)
Caput: you aren't sure. His face is the same shape, at any rate.
Caput: OK, he's doing something, behind you. You see a flicker.
Fragmaster: I keep my eyes on him
Caput: He shoots a ball of fire out of his palm as you turn around. It's a bout the size of a grapefruit. It his a metal kettle, briefly illuminating a kitchen.
Fragmaster: and it just floats about?
Caput: He;s wearing his special "about to be kicked" expression
Caput: no, it explosed in a small, bright puff of flame
Caput: that kettle and the counter will be damaged, but there's not fire you can see right now.
Fragmaster: 'ooh dear, what have I gotten into...'
Caput: He's now between you and the exit
Caput: and withing kick range if you charge him
Fragmaster: righto
Fragmaster: "So, talk"
Caput: he gestures at the area he hit. "What? About that? That's a long fucking story."
Caput: "Just don't... don't do anything horrible, alright."
Fragmaster: "Not unless you give me another reason to."
Caput: "Aw SHIT. We are screwed."
Fragmaster: (I prefer hammers, myself)
Caput: "I'm gonna get eat alive because of you, you know that. He's gonna eat me alive. Oh FUCK!"
Caput: He runs.
Fragmaster: "Charming fellow... so there are more fun folk about"
Fragmaster: I take a quick peek at tokey
Fragmaster: "You're not being very nice to me, you know that?'
Caput: Tokey points through you toward where you think you saw the kitchen table.
Caput: maybe out behind the house?
Fragmaster: I take a quick dash in that direction, not wanting to stay around too much longer
Caput: it's certainly even warmer than before. You'd have to say hot. In the dark, you can see the dull glow. THen you hear movement next to you. Something on the table, but you can't see in the dark. That couldn't be a person lying down, could it?
Caput: the token is rhythmicly jabbing in it's direction
Fragmaster: "Fireboy needed to still be around for this..." I fumble for a lightthing
Caput: not near the table. Closer to the door, maybe?
Fragmaster: sounds like a good place for a switch
Fragmaster: (could have been a fan)
Caput: ok, you turn the light on
Caput: it flicked for a second, then shows you a teanage girl taped to the table. She's also gagged and tied down with cables. It's not a precision job, but it's pretty exccessive. It's clear she can barely move.
Caput: She's looking at you.
Fragmaster: "Oh shi-"
Fragmaster: I start trying to get cables off
Caput: there;s also and automatic shotgun on the counter.
Fragmaster: I leave it alone for now, but note it's there
Fragmaster: (saving the NPC clearly takes priority over unloading it!)
Caput: It has a surpresser on it that makes it look like a fucking anti aircraft gun.
Fragmaster: Xaer would love.
Caput: ok, the cable are really hard to untie. Better to cut them.
Caput: this is a kitchen, right?
Fragmaster: I look for a steak knife
Caput: and there was a knife dropped somewhere too
Fragmaster: he dropped his, right. I'll leave it there for now, these are closer
Caput: steak knife does the job. She looks like she's trying to say something.
Caput: She can barely make noise, apparently.
Fragmaster: I swap to taking off the gag, then continue with cables
Caput: "umph. Hi. Hurry, and be quite. I think someone's upstairs. He send you?"
Caput: She;s working out of some of the tape by herself now, but there's a lot of it. SHe's trying to cry quietly.
Fragmaster: "No, it's just your lucky day. What happened?"
Caput: "uh."
Caput: right. The last bit of tape holding her down comes off and she sits up. She's your age or maybe a little younger and she seems to go from not hugging you to hugging you without anything inbetween. Her hair smells pretty.
Fragmaster: lol
Fragmaster: "You alright now?"
Caput: uhoh. You never got taller like that when you were squeezed hard before.
Fragmaster: lol
Caput: she doesn't seem to know what to say about that, but she's a couple of feet away now.
Fragmaster: I rub my hair sheepishly
Caput: "These two guys came in. Didn't even check if the door was unlocked, just bashed it in. Tied me here, talked about... you know. Fucking me. Then they went away. While lated I think the demon one came back, then you arrived at the same time as the human looking guy. They wanted to feed me to someone."
Caput: she seems pretty upset about that
Fragmaster: "Demon one?"
Caput: Yeah, a snake man.
Fragmaster: "Stranger and stranger... Is there anyone else here?"
Caput: "Shit. You hear that? He's upstairs."
Caput: SHe looks meaningfully at the gun
Fragmaster: "Stay here, call if you need me. I'll go check."
Caput: she nods
Fragmaster: I creep away towards the stairs(1)
Caput: A light comes on and something comes slithering down the stairs yelling "You got 'er, right? Who was that anyway?"
Fragmaster: (also, since difficulty modifies dice rolled, not successes needed, you'll need to poke me beforehand on how hard it is)
Caput: You are suddenly in a bright hallway. There's not much room and the stairs run parrelle to the ground floor. You can make out a tiny bit of the torso of a man in a t-shirt through the railings. THe bottom step is at the other end of the hall.
Caput: (doesn't matter this time anyway. It's all bright and he's shouty)
Fragmaster: is he moving about?
Caput: coming down the stair, but not taking any steps to do so. You hear him scraping along.
Fragmaster: I back into the room, and try to get a better look as he comes down
Fragmaster: (describe layout of room I'm im plz)
Caput: the kitchen?
Fragmaster: (wherever I'm seeing the stairs from)
Fragmaster: (aka, is there somewhere I can hide behind? is there somewhere I can move around to another view of the stairs?)
Caput: ok, that's the hallway, near the kitchen door. There's a straight line of hall infront of you with the stairs beside it. The top of them is right above your head, the bottom at the other end. THere's a couple of doors on the wall to your right and one at the other end of the room.
Caput: nothing bigger than a plant in here
Fragmaster: kayo
Caput: a nice rug though
Fragmaster: then I wait and keep watch at the stairs, ready to move back behind a corner if he's looking towards me
Caput: ok, he calls out "Snow?" as he reaches the bottom. He's about to turn.
Fragmaster: I back behind corner. 'sorry, buddy, you're friend's skipped out on you'
Fragmaster: (is corner the kitchen? or some other part of house?)
Caput: yes it is. You get a better look at him just as he turns. A hint of brown tail maybe, and huge fatness. He's enourmous. That and he saw you.
Fragmaster: darn
Fragmaster: I whisper to girl to get out of house, find somewhere safe
Caput: "I take five minutes for a shit and you let some bitch in here? You worthless little- You're not here, are you?"
Caput: She's already not here. The gun is.
Caput: He's at the door, which has swung shut.
Fragmaster: I grab steak knife thing
Caput: ok
Fragmaster: and wait on side of door the door won't swing open to
Caput: ok
Caput: He comes in.
Fragmaster: (how many dice I lose for not hiding in a proper spot?)
Caput: I'm thinking
Caput: go for 2
Fragmaster: kayo
Fragmaster: then (3)
Fragmaster: scratching the 1 and 8
Caput: he doesn't see you
Caput: yet
Fragmaster: where's he headed?
Caput: got a feeling he's about to
Fragmaster: duh
Caput: right past you, looking the other way. "Uh, snow?"
Caput: he;s a snake man
Caput: no two ways about it
Fragmaster: woo coatl
Caput: nope. Basilisk
Fragmaster: even better
Fragmaster: I drop facade and hold knife to defend myself. "Sorry, I think he ran out for a bit."
Caput: "oh shit." He looks beaten.
Fragmaster: (and no, I can't attack, it takes 2 rounds to finish shifting)
Fragmaster: (as long as he doesn't realize it...)
Caput: "Who the hell are you? That hunter bastard put you up to this?"
Fragmaster: "No one of interest. And I could ask you the same: What are you doing here?"
Caput: "Look, whoever you are, we got nothing against you. We just wanted the girl so we could get a hunter."
Fragmaster: "sigh"
Fragmaster: "Look, just get out of here before I change my mind about kicking your ass"
Caput: The girl stands up from behind the counter
Caput: "He'll come back for us."
Caput: "They chase you and chase you. That's what my brother told me."
Caput: "And you can't reason with The Banes."
Fragmaster: (the banes!)
Fragmaster: (clearly, we are in WoD, for the pretentious names are afoot!)
Fragmaster: I wait to see what snakey does, keeping the knife at him
Fragmaster: (is he next to the shotty?)
Caput: Snaky is now watching the girl. He's doing this because she's picking up the gun, which has been out of his reach.
Fragmaster: ah, she is.
Caput: She points it at him
Fragmaster: I move around snakey towards the girl(and out of the line of fire), keeping knife towards him
Caput: She's shaking quite a lot
Fragmaster: 'oh dear... what part of run does that qualify as?'
Caput: He's clearly afraid. "I get a free ticket to heaven, you know. I don't give a shit what you do. I win either way. You shoot me, you fall."
Caput: she just stands there and shakes
Fragmaster: (yay! religious nuts as well! we're going 2 for 2 here)
Fragmaster: "A ticket to heaven. For stuff like this? Don't make me laugh"
Caput: "I'll make you SCREAM" He leaps on the girl, sudden like. Initiative.
Fragmaster: Dex+Com, yes?
Caput: yes, I think so
Fragmaster: 1
Fragmaster: (I'm not sure what to do if there's a tie)
Caput: He gets to her, but then the gun goes off. He's hit.
Caput: (I am)
Caput: woo, blood
Caput: Your turn
Fragmaster: (ah, highest Dex+Com)
Fragmaster: (if that's a tie too, roll d10)
Caput: yup
Fragmaster: I stabs him with the knife, not wanting to put my foot anywhere near a shotgun blast
Fragmaster: A quick swing at his head, but it goes wide. This knife's a bit heavier than I thought...
Caput: He grabs at her. He fails misurably.
Fragmaster: her turn, I suppose
Caput: yes. One moment.
Caput: She backs off a little, so she's up against the sink and fires again.
Caput: Ouch. He's all hurty.
Caput: you
Caput: (he's not taken a full on blow, by the way)
Fragmaster: da
Caput: (but he's still very much shot)
Fragmaster: not wanting to enter killing spree, I throws knife at him(1)
Caput: He just about gets out the way of that
Fragmaster: snickt
Caput: but only just
Fragmaster: (now I don't have an excuse to use the knife. sad, I enjoyed having 1 die for combat)
Caput: He manages an amzing feat. Throing himself backwards onto the floor with his hand shielding his face from a shotgun. "I'm bleeding!"
Fragmaster: "No shit."
Caput: "We could tie him to the table"
Fragmaster: "And leave a fun scene for the cops, I'm sure."
Caput: the shotgun is now shaking un-nervingly. You're pretty sure that's not safe.
Caput: the basilisk has a suggestion! "Let him go?", he says
Fragmaster: (how hurt does he look?)
Caput: not aweful, but he should realy see a doctor and have all that metal shit pulled out of his tail.
Fragmaster: kayo
Caput: Preferably a doctor who's also a vet
Fragmaster: "Better idea. Start esplaining yourself."
Caput: "Oh god. What do you to hear? THe cops will be here any second and then we all get killed. Are you stupid?"
Fragmaster: "Tch"
Fragmaster: (Is there an exit door I can see from here?)
Caput: Sort of, yes. THe one you entered the house from is like, a foot around the corner from the door into the room with the washing machine
Fragmaster: "Then out. Now. And if you try this shit again, this'll feel like a scrape compared to what I'm gonna do."
Fragmaster: *points outward* "Scram."
Caput: he inches out. He's pretty slow when he's not hurt.
Fragmaster: I watch him the whole way, turning facade on when I'm sure he's going out
Caput: Once he's gone, the girl puts down the gun and slumps against the counter.
Caput: "Sorry."
Fragmaster: "It's alright."
Fragmaster: *leans against wall, giving relieved sigh*
Caput: "I- I have to go. To hide. They know where I live..."
Fragmaster: "Do what you need to do. Just stay safe"
Caput: "Oh god. WHere am I going to go? You said you don't even know my brother?"
Fragmaster: "No, I was just walking past the house."
Caput: "Bullshit. You've got his emergency tag."
Fragmaster: (woo)
Fragmaster: (plot thickens)
Caput: she holds up a similar one. Where yours has a red tag and a yellow ring, her's has a yellow tag and a red ring
Fragmaster: "Wait, Keith?"
Caput: "Who? No."
Caput: "Waaaaait."
Caput: "no."
Fragmaster: (lol)
Caput: "Your not telling me it was you who broke in and took all that magic stuff, are you?"
Fragmaster: (ouch)
Caput: "And who the hell is keith?"
Fragmaster: "A friend of sorts... I got this from him. Are you sure this is yours?"
Fragmaster: (bluffybluff)
Caput: (well, it's all true stuff)
Fragmaster: (oh, I see bluffy in the future)
Caput: "They're linked together. If they didn't come from the same place, yours wouldn't have come on when I pulled this one."
Fragmaster: (silly keith. wouldn't he have told me if he didn't have the other half?)
Caput: He said he did
Caput: that's what it was for
Fragmaster: (owned)
Fragmaster: (dice, don't fail me now)
Fragmaster: "It's possible they're just acting up. I know where the other half to this one is"(2)
Fragmaster: (and it's 2 as long as penalty isn't -3 or greater, which I don't think it is)
Caput: "It's a set of four. Why do you think there are three different pointers? Look, can we do this later. I need to get things, and then we should both run like hell before the cops or worse get here."
Fragmaster: "Sounds good. I'll stay here in case more trouble comes. Just tell me when you've got what you need"
Caput: "uh... ok." She runs upstairs.
Fragmaster: I wait by the bottom of the stairs, listening for anything(1)
Caput: only her banging around, by the sound of it
Caput: after about three minutes, she's down again with an oversized handbag and a coat.
Fragmaster: "You think you're good now?"
Caput: Let's go.
Fragmaster: we head off
Fragmaster: (you gained party member: Hunter's daughter.)
Fragmaster: (doo doo doo doooooo!)
Caput: OK. "Where do we go now?"
Caput: "I'm I'm sorta new to this."
Fragmaster: "I thought you knew."
Caput: "Shit shit shit."
Caput: "I've got nothing."
Fragmaster: (my pad is lacking in comforts for organics)
Fragmaster: (like food.)
Caput: "I mean, they know who I am, they know who uhhhh... simon is."
Fragmaster: "Do you know where he might be?"
Caput: "They know everything"
Caput: "No. I mean, they said they looked for him once they got his trename, so they were trying to make him come out by taking me in some kind of visible way, I think."
Caput: "Wouldn't have worked. Those were True Devils, if you didn't guess."
Fragmaster: "Sure looked like it"
Caput: "You do know what I mean by True Devil, right?"
Fragmaster: "Not really, but this probably isn't the best place for it, yes?"
Fragmaster: "Well, if you don't know where to go, lets hide somewhere until we think of something"
Fragmaster: (how far is her house from mine?)
Caput: a little way
Caput: you can get back fairly soon but it's not like a quick search of the area would turn anything up
Caput: (if they were looking for you, I mean)
Fragmaster: (miles? km?)
Fragmaster: (flapjacks stacked side to side?)
Caput: ugh, I dunno. I've been thinking in terms of streets crossed and cinematic time =D
Caput: exactly two flapjack, but they're massive
Fragmaster: then less than a mile, yes?
Caput: about 1, really
Fragmaster: kayo
Caput: very roughly
Fragmaster: "My place is only a couple of minutes from here, if we hurry"
Caput: "Lets go"
Caput: "We can talk while we walk, right?"
Fragmaster: "Sounds good" We set off
Fragmaster: preferably moving faster than a generic walk
Caput: yes. "Who are you? Seriously, why do you have that and why did you follow it?"
Fragmaster: "It was my friends. He said it would help us find each other in case of a problem. He said it was off someone legit. Guess the dealer was a thief instead"(0)
Caput: "I won't get mad. Was it you or your friend who took it?"
Fragmaster: "Not me, so I guess it was him"(silly dice, ruining my good lies)
Caput: "OK. To be honest, I hear he's really good at what he does, so I wouldn't mind if it was you even. EIther way, I'm just glad to be with someone who knows what their doing. And thanks for saving me."
Fragmaster: "Not a problem. So, you've heard of him?"
Caput: "Well, no, but whoever took that stuff was damn good. My brother, simon, is a hunter, and this guy took a whole bunch of stuff out of his teams hq. THere was even a rework orb in- jesus christ! I'm an idiot."
Fragmaster: (ooh)
Fragmaster: (you did that on purpose)
Caput: "You died then? Like, this month?"
Caput: (did what?)
Fragmaster: (the orb)
Fragmaster: "Yeah... something like that."
Caput: "Fuck. I though I was having a shit time." She seems pretty impressed by this. Like you did some clever trick.
Fragmaster: (I do children's birthday parties. They love me)
Caput: (sweet)
Caput: anyway, you arrive
Fragmaster: We hurry up, and try to get inside without any silly night people seeing
Caput: ok
Caput: you acomplish this. When you get in, there is a golden envelope waiting on the doormat. Session ends.
Fragmaster: woo!

Last edited by Fragmaster01 on Wed Sep 23, 2009 2:19 am; edited 1 time in total


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Age : 34

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[09/12] #01 - Some solo session shenanigans Empty Re: [09/12] #01 - Some solo session shenanigans

Post  Fragmaster01 Wed Sep 23, 2009 2:18 am

Caput: now that she is much calmer, the light is better and so on, she looks much more attractive. She's got a kind of awkward smile on. It looks tasty.
Fragmaster: omnom
Caput: yes
Caput: "Listen, I'm wondering, if you don't mind, were you just a normal girl before you got uh, reworked?
Fragmaster: "Uh... yeah, something like that. why?"(2)
Caput: "It's just I'm getting the impression you don't really know much more than me about this stuff."
Fragmaster: "Well, not really. That was honestly the first time aside from Keith I'd seen another magical person"
Fragmaster: (sorry, was trying to get motherboard brand from inside case, am back now)
Caput: "oh, right."
Caput: she seems slightly disconcerted by this.
Caput: (that's fine)
Fragmaster: (I'm still a badass, I swear!)
Fragmaster: (I don't need no stinkin XP)
Caput: "I guess I kinda thought you all hung out together or something."
Fragmaster: "If we did, we probably wouldn't have these kinds of problems"
Caput: "Guess not. You know about truenames?"
Fragmaster: "I know about fake ones"
Caput: "That's the idea. If they know your real one, they can control you. It's not magic or anything, but they know where your mom lives, if they do their homework."
Fragmaster: (like with you! oh what fun we're having today)
Caput: "So for what little good it will do me, I am... Jessica Blake."
Fragmaster: "Adrian"
Caput: "Huh?"
Fragmaster: "My name. Adrian."
Caput: "Well, I doubt that'll convince anyone, but I'm not sure that's really the point." She seems faintly amussed.
Fragmaster: *lols*
Caput: "Seriously, I can't call you that though, it feels silly."
Fragmaster: "It's better than Bob"
Caput: "Kinda."
Fragmaster: (kinda. your NPCs are already mocking me, and the game hasn't even begun)
Caput: (lol)
Caput: (only in a friendly sort of way. When they laugh at your suffering it will really count. Until then, be happy, for laughter is good)
Fragmaster: (lol)
Caput: "I'm gonna need a haircut and some new clothes. I've got glasses too, so if I take my contacts out I should be ok. Think you'll need a disguise or anything?"
Fragmaster: "Not sure, honestly"
Caput: "I also need to text mom and tell her it's all gone to shit. I gues I'll walk somewhere and then throw the phone away."
Fragmaster: "You've really thought this through, I see"
Caput: she's looking slightly less happy again
Caput: "Well, it's always been a possibility. Never thought it would actually happen or anything, but simon's taken me through it tons of times. That's why I know about this stuff."
Caput: "I though he was crazy for a while. Then I met his girlfriend. She can fly."
Fragmaster: "Literally, fly?"
Caput: "Yep. With, like, big wings." She mimes.
Caput: but very half heartedly
Fragmaster: "So was it just your brother out there? Or is it a family tradition?"
Caput: "Just him."
Caput: "He got attacked in the street by something, and then all these people came into the hospital and started making sure nobody knew what was going on and stuff, then the interviewed him. Started with 'would you describe your assailant as a werewolf?'"
Caput: "Month later he joined"
Fragmaster: (Have you, or someone you love, been involved in a werewolf accident? If so, you may be entitled to a monetary reward!)
Caput: (indeed)
Fragmaster: (Call the law offices of Obfuscate and Co, and we can sue on your behalf!)
Caput: (hee)
Fragmaster: "Kind of an odd interrogation. Woulda given it away if the guy wasn't a werewolf, wouldn't you say?"
Caput: "I think they knew. Apparently it wasn't really a werewolf. It was a 'only' a demon"
Fragmaster: "Only. Because such things happen all the time"
Caput: "Yeah."
Caput: "They do."
Fragmaster: "Oh dear..."
Caput: "Simon's favourite phrase is 'you have no idea.' "
Caput: "And I guess I don't"
Fragmaster: "Neither do I. Wonderful combination, wouldn't you say?"
Caput: "Yup. We're fucked."
Fragmaster: "Hmm..."
Fragmaster: "Wait, you said there's four of those rings. Who has the fourth?"
Caput: "I dunno. My guess is your friend has one and simon still has his."
Fragmaster: (I see no reason to roll for that, since she already realized that, just didn't have a good time to say it)
Fragmaster: "If he has his, can't you call him with it?"
Caput: "I was already calling everyone until it runs out of power, so I snapped it."
Caput: "You just pull all the tag things and it tells everyone where you are."
Fragmaster: "Does it still work, even with the tag broken?"
Caput: "No. That kills it. That's the point."
Fragmaster: "What color was his?"
Caput: "Blue. What's yours?"
Fragmaster: *I hold it out, showing it's yellow)
Caput: "Right"
Fragmaster: "And can't we just call him with this ring? The tag's still attached over here"
Caput: "yeah, but if they get him..."
Caput: "I knew they hadn't before, because they came to the house, but now I've called him, he could be in deep shit."
Fragmaster: "If he's like what you've said, he'll know whether he can come or not. Besides, if he was coming anyway, he'd be going to the house, which is the wrong place."(2)
Caput: (persuasion check?)
Fragmaster: (da)
Caput: She nods. "Do it."
Fragmaster: *yoink*
Caput: "Don't see what else we're going to do."
Fragmaster: (I can imagine the tag getting snagged on something, and causing hunterboy to run in wondering what the problem is!?!)
Fragmaster: (you made me get out the shotgun for that? jeez...)
Caput: (You have to pull really hard)
Caput: (like you're trying to pull it off)
Fragmaster: (it could happen)
Fragmaster: (dramatic failure)
Caput: she looks at the tag for a while, then asks to use the bathroom
Fragmaster: I point at a bathroom-like location, and hope it's not too terrible looking
Caput: (good point. How would you know?)
Caput: She goes
Caput: she has left heer bag of things behind, if that interests you
Fragmaster: if it's open, I look , but not the peer over "ooh, what's this" style
Caput: it's closed
Fragmaster: then I don't
Caput: ok
Caput: you are now alone. Read letter?
Fragmaster: I snuffle around for something to open it properly like.
Fragmaster: best way to keep things out of sight is back in their original wrapping.
Caput: a quick search turns up not letter openers. The guy needs none with such claws.
Fragmaster: trutru
Caput: you could just get a knife or something
Fragmaster: and I didn't snag wendi's knife like a good adventurer
Fragmaster: sounds good. to the kitchen!
Caput: (I wouldn't be so sure he was a wendigo)
Fragmaster: it seemed like a good thing to call him.
Caput: (heh)
Caput: ok, you open it
Fragmaster: snickt
Fragmaster: have I been accepted to Hogwarts?
Caput: Apparently so.
Fragmaster: yay!
Caput: wait, I mean... uh... no?
Caput: Anyway, it talks about your powers. Not specificly, apparently the sender either doesn't know what you are or it's a generic letter that everyone gets, but they do know you have magic.
Fragmaster: "Curses. I've been spotted. And I haven't even done anything yet."
Fragmaster: "Well, I punched a magical criminal in the face, but that's not that important, right?"
Caput: It says to keep your head down, that your apparently doing ok so far, because you HAVEN'T been seen and that there are people out there who will help you deal with your "condition". This, apparently, involves learning the truth about the universe, learning to get the most out of your power, and being protected. It says if you are recieving the letter you have no idea how much you need that protection.
Fragmaster: "So I've been told"
Caput: It's signed Dr Erasmus Howard and gives a time and place for a meeting. It says others like you will be there, that you shouldn't tell anyone about it it and that you VERY, VERY deffinately shouldn't bring unpowered humans.
Fragmaster: (sorry jess, you have to stay here. If you're good, I'll give you a muggle treat)
Caput: lol
Fragmaster: (when is meeting thing?)
Caput: there is also a warning about hunters. Apparently, a hunter is a misguided extremist who sees people like you and the writer as a threat to society, sometimes misled by the fact that criminal activity against people like them is the easiest way to discover magic. The meating is the day after tomorrow, at the back of an office building.
Fragmaster: and I may or may not have called a hunter to my door, but such is life
Fragmaster: gotta keep the pets happy, you know
Caput: yes
Caput: ok, a while later, she comes out of the bathroom. She's clearly been crying or something like that.
Caput: She's been a while.
Caput: "I think I'll turn in early, if that's ok."
Fragmaster: "Alright. Good night."(0) Empathy, you have failed me!
Caput: "Where can I sleep?"
Fragmaster: *dramatic pointing at bed*
Caput: "OK"
Caput: (who's bed is this, btw? I assume it was his but then became yours?)
Fragmaster: (his. rework shuts down on the floor)
Caput: (ok)
Caput: "Does someone else live here, or is all the shampoo and stuff for show?"
Fragmaster: "Keith used to be around here. He's out for a while"
Caput: "Ok"
Caput: "I'll get some sleep."
Caput: (she has, indeed, turned in early. It's not even 4 AM yet)
Fragmaster: (why do I have an image of very feminine shampoos and such in the bathroom?)
Fragmaster: (lol)
Fragmaster: (Expression skill specialty: loofa.)
Caput: about a minute later, there is a knock on the door.
Fragmaster: I check little peephole thing
Caput: nobody there
Caput: jessica calls from around the corner "Who is it?"
Fragmaster: "Not sure"
Fragmaster: time for the patented door open a crack peek out thing
Caput: she whispers quite loudly "There's a loaded gun in my bag. Just take the safety off"
Fragmaster: oh dear.
Caput: still nobody
Fragmaster: peek in bag thing
Caput: gun
Caput: it's a revolver.
Fragmaster: there's a safety on a revolver? guns don't work that way.
Caput: nothing very special, but it will put butllets in people
Caput: (does she know that?)
Caput: (no she doesn't)
Fragmaster: (apparently not)
Fragmaster: (the safety is the hammer. how could I not notice)
Fragmaster: what other goodies do I see in the bag?
Caput: clothing, not too much else. Oh, mace, too.
Caput: and a smaller bag
Fragmaster: and inside that, there's another bag! it never ends!
Caput: indeed
Fragmaster: I take gun, and go looking for our mystery visitor
Caput: open the door again?
Fragmaster: da
Caput: how much?
Fragmaster: not all the way open
Caput: but not just a tiny crack?
Fragmaster: right
Caput: The guy in the fire coat is trying to peer in through the hole. He has impressive bruises. He laughs nervously when he sees you. "...Hi."
Caput: he backs away, too
Fragmaster: what's he look like?
Caput: same as before but with lumps
Caput: and marginaly more fear
Fragmaster: (remind which person I'm looking at?)
Caput: sorry, it's the guy you beat the shit out of
Fragmaster: woo
Caput: white hair, coat with fire design on it
Fragmaster: "And you want?"
Caput: "I thought I might see you again, um. You can have this." He drops a tracker tag on the floor. "And I'll tell them that this was a trick and um. Run away?"
Fragmaster: (what color is the tag?)
Caput: green ring
Fragmaster: (oh dear. no one has who they're supposed to)
Fragmaster: (who was supposed to have green?)
Caput: keith
Fragmaster: "And where did you get this?"
Caput: "Sharkface. Sharkface gave it too me."
Fragmaster: "Did he say anything about it?"
Caput: "Said it came from some jabberwock guy who's driving him nuts." THis guy is looking absolutely terrified now.
Fragmaster: "Anything else?"
Caput: "He said he steals things and you can't catch him"
Fragmaster: "And yet your sharkface stole from him. How?"
Caput: "He didn't say he ate him or anything. I- I dunno. I think he got away? He did that before once."
Fragmaster: *sigh*
Fragmaster: "Right. Get out, and we'll pretend this never happened."
Caput: He looks very, very relieved. He seems to want to say something. "Look, this is... This is uh. A thing. and this is some stuff that we took. From her. He drops a paper bag and some folded up paper on the floor. Then runs off saying "Thanks for not killing me!"
Fragmaster: (Thanks for not killing me. My career has started on a high note)
Fragmaster: *scoop up token, bag, closelock door*
Caput: (don't forget the papers)
Fragmaster: amazing what a foot in the right place does for intimidation
Fragmaster: papers. phh
Caput: Bag contains: Ipod, jewlery, $80.
Fragmaster: woo
Fragmaster: papers are about?
Caput: they are obviously fake names followed by presumably real addresses. about 15 of them.
Fragmaster: *reads the list, searching for silly names like Beyond Birthday*
Fragmaster: meanwhile puts revolver back
Caput: There are also notes, like "Armed guards", and "Front door explodes if you open it", and "cannot be killed by conventional means"
Fragmaster: "Guard hellhound. Blends in well with the gnomes"
Caput: the names are things like Constrictor, Gremlin, Mister Smith and Baby Fuckin' Dave. There's even a Sharkface.
Fragmaster: any paper around?
Caput: yes, on keith's desk
Caput: which nears collapse with junk
Fragmaster: is the pen on the desk, or has it rolled somewhere underneath it?
Caput: apparently he's not an organised kind of person
Fragmaster: an organized thief. phh
Caput: it theoreticaly lives in a drawer
Fragmaster: that's blasphemy
Fragmaster: I copy down the list of places
Caput: the fifth pen works
Fragmaster: yay! new record!
Caput: ok, they are copied
Fragmaster: I take my expert copy, and slide it inbetween some books on the shelf
Caput: woo
Caput: Jessica peaks around the door "We ok?"
Fragmaster: "Supposedly. And our visitor had some gifts."
Caput: "What?"
Fragmaster: I add the bag and papers to the pile of "her stuff"
Caput: She looks surprised to see the contents of the bag and puzzled by the papers. "Who the fuck was it?"
Fragmaster: "Not entirely sure. Your brother talk about anyone by the name of Sharkface?"
Caput: "No, but I know some of these names."
Fragmaster: "Any idea who they belong to?"
Caput: "The bad ones. The really, really bad ones."
Fragmaster: "Wonderful"
Caput: she points to a name. "Shit. Fearman."
Fragmaster: "The name makes me feel so warm and happy."
Caput: "He drives people nuts. They get found wandering around in the street."
Caput: "This is some serious stuff."
Caput: "And it says here his furniture will kill you."
Caput: "Well, I'm gonna go back to bed and worry about that guy knowing where we are."
Fragmaster: "Kinda ruins the point. What good is a chair if it tries to eat you when you sit down"
Caput: "I dunno. THese people are odd."
Caput: She retires
Caput: so shall I. We have finished.
Fragmaster: woo


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Age : 34

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