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Synthworld - A Futuristic Game

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Synthworld - A Futuristic Game Empty Synthworld - A Futuristic Game

Post  Fragmaster01 Fri Dec 04, 2009 12:47 am

So, terrible things entered my brainmeat, and refused to leave. That said, given how little time play-by-post games take, it's not too hard to add a second. So, with further ado:

The world ended. Well, technically it was still there, though it did get beat up a good bit, and all those little parasites running around on it seemed to blow up very nicely. That said, life managed to continue in some form, or this story would be over really fast.
However the world ended, we're pretty sure that it wasn't a big surprise, as people managed to prepare for it. Several of the greatest minds in the world(or at least, the ones that got money for their ideas) set about preparing the world for the end, should it come. Well, they got the last laugh, or would have, were it not for the sheer devastation outside. Kinda hard to laugh when there's nowhere left to return to.
But they were crafty, and bold, and at least a little bored. Having stored lots of cryogenically preserved humans deep underground, and having a very large apocalypse proof shelter to themselves, they set about inventing a way where the survivors could climb out of bed and get a job for once. They toiled, and sweated, and hoped that soon they'd be able to leave their rooms without putting on hazard suits, but eventually, it all paid off. Well, as best they could hope for.
And so came into being the age commonly referred to as the Synthetic World, for the scientists had invented a creation that performed much like a robot, but capable of uploading a human mind into it, allowing them to act and think and not lie around all day like usual. The scientists gloated, and sent their designs to all the other shelters, and told them that there was going to be a party at their place on New Years, if they could make it.
They never made it. The world was still not a very nice place, and while they didn't die just from going outside, there was nothing nice awaiting them. And so time passed, with humans uploaded into robotic frames, now toiling away in an attempt to make bodies for themselves that were at least proper, and not just tin cans that constantly needed some oil.
Welcome to the world of today, in the City of North Haven. It's a bountiful place, over 200 years after the creation of the first robotic frames. Nowadays, the citizens have upgraded to bodies called forms, less resembling the robots of yore and more akin to sentient creatures, capable of feeling(somewhat), eating(after a fashion), having fun(if you know what I mean), and giving birth(the side effect of fun). The city has managed to clear out all the hazards inside it, and there are even remnants of biological life inside preserves. That said, the last human was uploaded long ago, and there aren't any of them wandering around the town, due to the fact that society is now set up for much sturdier folk.
The future is now, here's hoping it doesn't suck too badly.

Setting: Futuristic. Our heroes live in the sheltered city of North Haven, so named as it is a haven near the North Pole(how descriptive!). Given the back story, the city government does have quite a bit of sway in people's lives, though there's never a reason that can't be circumvented.

Character Restrictions: Not a whole lot, so long as it doesn't horribly interfere with the group. For example, playing an old geezer is fine, playing one in a wheelchair inhibits the group a lot. Above all, however, go for an interesting character: personality, emotions, and quirks are more important than stats in this setting.
Given the lack of intelligent biological creatures around, you're limited to synths. They're described in full and then some in the attached text.
Your characters lack the proper tools to use magic as normal. You can only use limited magic through the Esper merit.
Some variants are not allowed to carry around weaponry beyond simple melee weapons or pistols without a government position. Keep that in mind if you wanna make a combat happy person.

Play Method: Play by post, simply because it lets people be far more descriptive, rather than at a rush to keep things moving.

There's a lot more explanation and flavor and such in here. Take a look:
Thoughts? Suggestions? Vehement rage and scorn? Well, maybe not the last one, but do shout off what you think.


Posts : 1999
Join date : 2009-09-23
Age : 34

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